Sunday, June 7, 2009

He's Here!!

He came very quick and very unexpectantly!! We were having cake and ice cream at some friends' house and went home to put Connor to bed. Then our second little baby decided he wanted to surprise us and come early.
Evan and I were so tired. We were going to go to bed early that night!!
He weighed in at 7 lbs 1 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. He was born at 11:41. No later, because I didn't want Evan to have to share his birthday!


Chris said...

He's a good-lookin' little guy! Congrats! Feel free to name his Chris/Christopher/any other combination you'd like. :)

The Mostess said...

Congrats---so cute! Just like his older brother. :)

Stephanie said...

You didn't say his name! He's adorable.

Joe and Megan Karlsven said...

Congratulations! How do you look that good after having a baby? I looked horrible.