Thursday, July 3, 2008

Swimming Time

We bought a little swimming pool for our little man. He loves it. He likes to climb in and out of it. Going back and forth drives me crazy!!


Sommer said...

Oh my gosh, KRISTEN AND EVAN!!! Your little boy is sooo cute! My husband and I are having a baby boy in September and we're so excited! I can't believe how long it's been! It seems like just yesterday Evan was taking away all of the energy drinks and making you run around the block three times! HAHAHA! I miss you guys! Check out our blog at Awe! Your family is so cute!

The Mostess said...

Yay! I just found your blog through Hayley. Feel free to pass your cute little drooler my way *anytime* in church!

Joe and Megan Karlsven said...

Kristen I know that Joe will probably never email you with the address of our blog and so leaving it as a comment.. it is It was fun seeing you guys last week. Thanks for stopping by.