Friday, May 23, 2008

"I get my muscles from my dad"

Our last day in Newport Beach and I just had to buy this shirt! He always wants the camera and this time he was trying to jump from Evan's arms to get it.
Connor's 5 year old cousin Camilla took this picture of Connor.
Although it doesn't really look like it. Connor loves to be upside down!!


KaraLee Anderson said...

What a beautiful baby!!!! I so wish that we lived closer so that our kids could grow up together. You guys seem like you are doing so well and having so much fun!!!!
Connor is so cute- I love his crawl!

KaraLee Anderson said...

I know I just left a comment, but I can do whatever I want to:)

I really like your background!

Vincent and Erin said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I just found it. Yes! I can stalk you whenever I want.