Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cupboard is my Paper

While sitting in the living room, Connor was in the kitchen. I noticed it started to get really quiet.
I walk into the kitchen to see that Connor got a hold of a pencil and decided to write all over the cupboards. walls and fridge.
It's hard to see because it is pencil, but let me tell you that it was really hard to get it off!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Camping in Saratoga was super fun. Surprisingly we were the only ones at the campsite!!

Camping is rough.
A glow stick works magic on a little boy!! He was distracted for hours.
This is a handcart that you put all your camping gear in and them pull it up a trail to your campsite.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I love my Daddy

Sunday Nap.
These were taken in March but I forgot to put them up. They are so cute together. The only problem is that when they get together it is a snoring fest!

He always wants to do everything Evan does. He always wants to wear his hat.