Monday, May 26, 2008

Camping with Connor

Camping with Connor was an experience. We only had 2 sleeping bags so I had to share with little Con Man. He is so wiggly!
He woke up at 4:00am and was wide awake. All he wanted to do was play with the flashlight.
Eating dirt was all he wanted to do. I couldn't stop him!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

"I get my muscles from my dad"

Our last day in Newport Beach and I just had to buy this shirt! He always wants the camera and this time he was trying to jump from Evan's arms to get it.
Connor's 5 year old cousin Camilla took this picture of Connor.
Although it doesn't really look like it. Connor loves to be upside down!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Crawlin' Man Connor

He crawled for the first time in Newport Beach. We were just glad he didn't try to crawl while we were in Disneyland or Evan and I would have missed it. Here is video of Connor crawling for the second time. It's a little bumpy but I was so excited I couldn't hold still!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I couldn't help but buy a set of Minnie Mouse ears!! Evan and I left Connor with Grandpa and Grandma Smith so that we could have some time alone at Disney land!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Newport Beach

Here is little Con man getting ready for the beach. We bought him a little swim shirt to keep him warm in the ocean.

Swimming in the water was so fun. I don't really know to swim with the waves so I was tossed many times by the look of my hair!!As we were packing our things up to leave, we put Connor in a chair and he immediately fell asleep. Our very own beach bum!

Here is little Con man getting ready for the beach.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

We're going on vacation!!

Connor was so excited to go on vacation he helped out with the driving. We only stopped 3 times. We happy about that. It took us about 7 1/2 hours to get to Newport Beach, California. Normally it takes 6 hours but we just happy to be able to go on vacation!!