Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Coloring is fun to do

So after the cupboard accident in the kitchen, Connor wants to color on everything but paper. So we decided to buy special crayons for the bathtub.
And of course after his bath he runs as fast and far away as possible from us as he can.

Monday, April 20, 2009

One Day Older....

Evan made me a birthday cake for my 23rd birthdaywhile Connor decorated it with sprinkles
While sweeping the floor I noticed that half the bottle was on the floor!
But it was worth it, because the cake was beautiful!
Here is a video of Connor putting the sprinkles on the cake. For some reason the video is on it's side and I can't get it to go any other way.

Oakland Zoo

You might notice a trend with these pictures because Connor didn't care about the animals. Connor just wanted to run around and get into trouble!
Playing in the water is fun to do!

Connor didn't really want to play with the animals. He just wanted to play in the water.
We were able to pet and comb the mini goats, but the Connor got bored and just ran to the water again!

Caterpillar wrangler

There was a fun area of the zoo where kids could just play on slides and pretend to be a frog!